英: 美:
音标: 英 [,ʌn'daiә^nәjzd, 'ʌn,daiә^'n-]
a. 未确诊的,尚未找出原因的
s. eluding diagnosis
1. It goes undiagnosed 80% of the time.
2. That young man had an undiagnosed cardiac arrhythmia.
3. Her mother says she has an undiagnosed cognitive disorder.
4. I think he may have undiagnosed systemic mastocytosis.
5. A child with an undiagnosed condition and heart murmur.
6. A kid with an undiagnosed illness, under this kind of stress... he could have an episode soon.
一个得了未知疾病的孩子 又承受这种压力 可能很快会发病的
7. With milder forms of the disorder, often undiagnosed until a trigger unmasks it.
症状较轻的患者 通常在被诱因触发时才会被诊断出来
8. It's a very rare disease that often goes undiagnosed and can be fatal.
这是种极其罕见的疾病 通常难以确诊且常常致命
9. undiagnosed, it can lead to cardiac arrest, which is in our cause of death.
未及时确诊可能导致心脏骤停 也就是这位死者的死因
10. He might have coronary artery disease that was undiagnosed and exacerbated during zerog.
他可能有未被诊断到的冠状动脉疾病 然后在零重力情况下恶化了