
更新时间:2024-11-16 19:07:00 首页 > 单词大全


英:   美:


音标: 英 [kən'teɪnd] 美 [kən'teɪnd]

a. 泰然自若的, 从容的;被控制的

s. gotten under control


1. So, we'll contain it in our special containment container.


2. The container is yours, not what it contains.

容器是你的 但里面的东西不属于你

3. Well, it was contained and it wasn't contained, if you know what I mean.

它既被封起来了 也没被封起来 假如你懂我的意思的话

4. Let's go in, secure the area, then search container to container.

我们进去封锁这片区域 再挨个集装箱搜查

5. They will be told that it contains an gesic but, actually, it simply contains saltwater.

会告诉他们里面装的是镇痛剂 但实际上 只是盐水

6. According to this log, on most nights, dozens of containers are weighed, but on this night, only my client's container was randomly chosen.

根据这份记录 大多数夜晚 会有几十个集装箱被检查 但这晚 只有我当事人的被随机抽中

7. So all the plastic containers berry containers, keg cups, plastic cold cups, you know, from starbucks.

所有的塑料容器 草莓包裝 小桶杯 星巴克的塑料冷杯

8. Three tanks on the back two contain a fuel, which is hydrogen peroxide, and one contains nitrogen gas.

背后这三个罐子 两个装燃料 也就是过氧化氢 还一个是装氮气

