英: 美:
n. 玛尔塔(姓氏名)
“Marta” 是一个女性名字,源自拉丁语,意为“女性版的Martin”。这个名字在许多国家都很常见,尤其是在西班牙语和葡萄牙语国家。
1. Marta is a hardworking student who always gets good grades.
2. Marta, it will not be easy for you to hear.
玛塔 这话可能会让你难以接受
3. Marta was left with a paltry $22 million.
4. Marta came out, iled, leaned down, and picked it up.
玛尔塔走出来 微笑着 弯下腰把婴儿抱起来
5. Marta, I'm almost a doctor. I know the effects.
玛尔塔 我快要当医生了 我心里有数的
6. Marta, this is gonna show the overdose.
玛塔 这样大家就知道吗啡过量的事了
7. Marta, get behind me, get behind me.
玛塔 到我身后去 我身后
8. Marta, you can't put "shell" and "suffocate" in one sentence.
玛尔塔 不能把外壳和扼住两个词放在一个句子里啊
9. Marta, I don't care where you're from, what kind of troubles you had back in the home country.
玛塔 我不在乎你是从哪里来的 在你的国家惹上了什么麻烦
10. Marta, we've been talking it over, and, uh, the whole family, we'd like to take care of you.
玛塔 我们好好谈了谈 我们全家 我们愿意照顾你