
更新时间:2024-11-28 15:53:07 首页 > 单词大全


英:   美:


音标: 英 [temˈpestʃuəs] 美 [tɛmˈpɛstʃuəs]

a. 有暴风雨的, 暴乱的

s characterized by violent emotions or behavior

s (of the elements) as if showing violent anger


1. tempestuous romance with a very ugly breakup.

那相当浪漫 而分手很惨烈

2. a tempestuous younger male with an aggressive streak.

一只暴躁的年轻雄性 它生性好斗

3. I cannot tell you how playing this instrument soothes my soul in tempestuous times.

在心情烦乱时弹奏这乐器 能带给我无以言喻的灵魂抚慰

4. I'm a naive art student having a tempestuous affair with a brilliant, angry young poet.

我是一個和才華橫溢憤世嫉俗的年輕詩人 談轟轟烈烈戀愛的天真的藝術學生

5. People must stay well away from the raging sea during these tempestuous times, but they can't stop it coming to them.

在 的时节 人们一定要远离凶猛的大海 但他们却无法抑制内心的渴望

6. And like as rigor of tempestuous gusts provokes the mightiest hulk against the tide, so am I driven by breath of her renown either to suffer shipwreck or arrive where I may have fruition of her love.

如狂风激荡大船 与波涛搏斗一般 我为她的美名心荡神摇 我要不承受覆舟之痛 或与她修成正果

