英: 美:
音标: 英 [pәu'puri(:)]
n. 混合物, 杂曲, 混成曲, 杂集, 大杂烩
n. a jar of mixed flower petals and spices used as perfume
1. The antique shop was a potpourri of objects from different eras and countries.
2. 800 count sheets, potpourri in the bathroom.
800针床单 卫生间里的百花香
3. It's a wonder the potpourri didn't leave a suicide note.
4. My wife puts this potpourri in the bus toilet.
5. I didn't even get to ask where they bought the potpourri.
6. So we can go from these really rather wonderful grand vases, to these terrific potpourri pots.
我们看到从这些漂亮的大花瓶 到这个精致的干花罐
7. Between me and you, I like potpourri.
你我之间 我挺喜欢百花香的
8. The festival featured a potpourri of cultural performances from around the world.