
更新时间:2023-10-20 00:17:31 首页 > 学习资料

  1. Emily gets up in the morning for breakfast. Hic-hic-HICCUP! What's that sound? Hic-hic-HICCUP! Clifford is having hiccups. Up pop the plates and cups. Up pops the orange juice -right onto Mr. Howard's head. "Maybe the vet can help Clifford," says Mrs Howard.

  Emily 早上起来去吃早饭。嗝……嗝喽!什么声音?嗝……嗝喽!Clifford 接连打嗝。盘子、杯子弹了起来,橘子汁溅了出来,正好洒在 Howard 先生的头上。“也许兽医能治好Clifford,” Howard 太太说。

  2. Dr. Dihn checks Clifford's breathing. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "Clifford just has the hiccups," Dr Dihn says. "Sooner or later, they will go away."

  Dihn 医生查了查Clifford 的呼吸。嗝……嗝喽!“Clifford 就是打嗝,没别的毛病,” Dihn 医生说。“打嗝迟早会停止的。”

  3. Outside the doctor's office, Clifford sees his friends T-Bone and Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "I know how to make your hiccups go away," Mac says to Clifford. "Follow me."

  在医生办公室外面,Clifford 看到了他的朋友 T-Bone 和 Mac。嗝……嗝喽!“我知道怎么让你不再打嗝,” Mac 对 Clifford 说。“跟我来。”

  4. They come to a kid's pool. "Close your eyes, hold your ears, then turn upside down, and drink!" says Mac.

  他们来到一个幼儿泳池前。“闭上眼睛,攥住耳朵,躺在地上,把水喝掉!”Mac 说。

  5. Clifford begins to drink. "Boo!" T-Bone jumps out of the pool! And Clifford's hiccups stop!

  Clifford 开始喝了。“嘭!” T-Bone 从泳池里跳了出来,Clifford 的打嗝就停了!

  6. "We did it!" says T-Bone and Mac. Hic-hic-HICCUP! "My hiccups didn't go away, but I feel good because you helped me so much," says Clifford.

  “我们成功了!” T-Bone 和 Mac 说。嗝……嗝喽!“我的打嗝没停住,但是我感到高兴,因为你们如此努力地帮助了我,” Clifford 说。

  7. Just then, Emily comes over and asks Clifford: "How are your hiccups?" Everyone listens. Then they listen some more. Clifford's hiccups are finally gone.

  这时,Emily 走过来,问 Cliffod:“你的打嗝怎样了?”大家在听,接着再听。Clifford 终于不打嗝了。
