lydia什么意思 lydia是什么意思

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lydia什么意思 lydia是什么意思


音标/读音 ['lidiә]

◎ 单词释义

n. 吕底亚(小亚细亚古国)

n. an ancient region on the coast of western Asia Minor; a powerful kingdom until conquered by the Persians in 546 BC



Lydia, lydia. I swear to god I'll start coming in early.

莉迪亚 莉迪亚 我发誓我会早早上班

Lydia, we're gonna get you through this.

莉迪亚 我们会帮你度过这关的

Lydia didn't know about any of this until tonight.


Lydia, there are some things that you shouldn't know.

莉迪娅 有些事情你真的不应该知道

Lydia found him passed out in his room.


Lydia, I think we need to get out of here.

莉迪亚 我觉得我们得赶紧离开这里

Lydia, I don't want to be the golden couple.

莉迪亚 我不想成为最佳伴侣

Lydia will hang and we'll be free of her.

莉迪亚会被吊死 我们就能从她那解脱了

Lydia, I'm meeting with some television people.

莉迪亚 我要和电视台的人会面

Lydia, we need to go. I'm not leaving you.

莉迪亚 我们得走了 我不会丢下你
