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  kindly feelings



  alter one's mind;Change one's mind

  改变心意Make oneself understood; make oneself clear

  使自己的话(心意)被了解The price of the house included many existing fixtures and fittings that were not to our taste.

  房价包括不合我们心意的许多固定装置和附加设备.We understood her intention.

  我们明白了她的.心意。An erratic mind jump from one idea to another.

  心意不定的人反复无常。The idea appealed to Mary.

  这主意正合玛丽的心意。 It suits me to put up with him.

  宽容他正合我的心意。It would not suit the author's book.

  这不会符合作家的心意Mom changed her mind about where she wanted the furniture.

  母亲对放家俱的位置改变心意。He had a change of heart after learning the details of the deal.


  v. 注视;考虑;尊敬;注意;关系

  n. 缘由;注意;尊重;致意,问候

  English is generally regarded as such a language.

  而英语就被广泛地认为是这样一种语言。 The superstitious regard it as a bad omen.

  迷信的人认为那是一种恶兆。He is regarded with disfavour.

  他不讨人喜爱。 kindly是什么意思:

  adj. 亲切的,仁慈的,体贴的

  adv. 亲切地,仁慈地,体贴地;烦请

  The conservationists will not take kindly to the legislation.

  自然资源保护论者对这项立法不会做出善意的反应。What is the postage for this letter? Will you kindly weigh it?

  这封信邮资多少?请称一下好吗?A kindly twinkle came into her eyes.

  她的眼睛里闪烁着亲切的光芒。 feelings是什么意思:

  n. 感觉;想法;态度;情感;激动;理解力;同情;知觉;气氛

  feeling of efficacy

  效力感 Has a feeling for language.

  对语言有领悟力 You can feel the electricity in the crowd.

