英: 美:
a. 经估价的, 贵重的, 受尊重的
[法] 受尊重的, 受重视的, 贵重的
s. (usually used in combination) having value of a specified kind
s. held in great esteem for admirable qualities especially of an intrinsic nature
1. The valued contributions of the team members led to the success of the project.
2. That is, if I value the escalope, the escalope, on the other hand, it doesn't value me back.
也就是说 如果我珍视肉排的话 肉排 相反地 却不会珍视我
3. I don't want you to think that I value my job more than I value... our friendship.
但是我不想让你觉得我把工作 看得比...我们之间的友情更加重要
4. He's never gonna value anybody else more than he values himself.
比起其他人 他只重视自己
5. Gilead values the family, and rewards those who live by those values.
基列向来珍视家庭 所以会犒赏 以守护家庭为生的人
6. Use the value of your business to show this widow her value.
7. One pound will represent a value, which can differ slightly between traders but generally holds an accepted range, and this ranging value is not determined or decided by politicians or bankers, as a value derived from the market.
一英镑表示了一种价值 可能在交易商之间有轻微不同 但是普遍都有着一个公认的范围 而且这个范围并非由政客 或银行家决定 因为价值由市场决定
8. And such burials imply a culture which valued gold for more than its commercial value.
这种墓葬揭示了一种 与黄金的商业价值相比 更看重黄金本身涵义的文化现象
9. Perhaps he was making the point that he values his dog as much as you value your granddaughter.
可能他是想说明 他很宝贝他的狗 就像你宝贝你外孙女一样
10. Her valued input was instrumental in shaping the company’s strategy.